University of Wroclaw

Institute of International and Security Studies

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prof. dr hab. Beata Ociepka

Public Diplomacy Lab


Phone No: 375 52 60

Room: 349

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Office hours:

  • 8.22, 29 July and 26th August, room 349, ISMiB building; advanced email registration required.


  • Head of International Communication Section, Polish Society of International Relations (PTSM).
  • Head of the Public Diplomacy Lab.
  • Member of the editorial board "Communications, The European Journal of Communication Research".
  • Member of the Polish Academy of Sciences Political Sciences Committee, for the term 2020-2024 and 2024-2027.
  • NCN expert.
  • Leader of WP 3 in NARDIV Horizon 2022 (2023-2026).

Research Interests:

  • international (political)communication,
  • public diplomacy,
  • comparative media systems analysis


MA in Political Science (1987), PhD in Political Science (1991), examination to qualify as assistant professor in International Relations (Habilitation) in 1998. Full professorship in International Relations (2003).

Current position:

professor (tenure), head of the Public Diplomacy Lab.

Previous appointments:

since 1986 at the University of Wroclaw. 1999-2003 Professor at Lower Silesian High School for Education, Institute for International Relations. 2002-2004 chair in Political Science at Willy – Brandt – Center for German and European Studies, University of Wroclaw, Poland. Head of the Department of International Relations, University of Wroclaw, 2009-2011. Vice Dean for Research and International Co-operation of the Social Sciences Faculty, University of Wroclaw 2005-2008. 2017 (02-09:) Head of the Section of Communication and Public Relations and Journalism, Information and Book Science Faculty, University of Warsaw. 2002-2017: founder and  head of the Section for International Communication, Institute of International Studies, Univertsity of Wroclaw. In 2018 visiting professor (teaching) at Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Institute of Journalism, Media and Communication. Research Visiting Fellow at ZEMKI, University of Bremen (October- November 2018).

Scholarships and grants of Friedrich Ebert Foundation, DAAD, British Council, Open Society Institute Prague Research Support Scheme, Austrian Government, Polish Foundation for Science. Research grants (Principal Investigator) by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (finished in 2013) and Poland's National Science Centre: Opus 6 and Opus 12. WP 3 leader in Horizon 2022 NARDIV (2023-2026).


Author or editor of some 14 books and monographs, about 100 book chapters and articles in such periodicals as "Place Branding and Public Diplomacy"; "International Journal of Cultural Policy", "European Journal of Communication"; Sage Open, "Studia Medioznawcze", "Przegląd Zachodni" . The most recent book: "Poland′s New Ways of Public Diplomacy", Peter Lang: Frankfurt am Main, 2017. Other books:  “Who is Television for? Public Service Broadcaster Model in Post Communist Central Europe”, (in Polish) Wrocław 2003, “Populism and Media Democracy” (ed.), Wrocław 2005 (in English), “Creating the Image” (ed., in Polish), Wrocław 2005, “Public Diplomacy” (ed., in Polish), Wrocław 2008, "Soft Power and Polish Public Diplomacy" (in Polish), Warsaw 2013. Further publications see: Publikacje. See more:

Member of the Council of Polish – German – Forum 2004-2007. President of the Wroclaw Section of the Polish Society of Political Science December 2001 – June 2004. 2000-2006 Herbert-Quandt–Foundation Vetrauensdozent at the University of Wroclaw.  Vice President of the Programming Council of regional section of Polish public service television TVP SA in Wrocław (2004-2008). Member of the editors board of Media Education series of Wydawnictwa Akademickie i Profesjonalne publisher, Warsaw (2006-2010). Head of the International Communication Section of the Polish Society for International Studies (PTSM). Elected member of the Political Science Committee of the Polish Academy of Science (for the term 2020-2023).


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