dr Justyna Bokajło
Section of International Economic Relations and European Integration
E-mail: justyna.bokajlo@uwr.edu.pl
Room: 321
Office hours:
- Office hours in the Summer semester 2019/2020 available via MS Teams.
- Do not hesitate to contact me also by E-Mail: justyna.bokajlo@gmail.com
- 2019 - Supervisor of the Inter-Faculty Student Scientific Circle 'Omniprogressus'
- 2019 - Member of the Board of the Polish Society of Political Sciences in Wroclaw
- 2019 - Member of the Court of Appeal in the Polish Society for European Studies
- 2016-2020 and 2020-2024 Member of the Council of the Faculty of Social Sciences (University of Wrocław)
Research Interests:
- Ordoliberalism and the Social Market Economy, the policy of order (Ordnungspolitik, global and EU governance), Institutional Economics, Public Choice Theory, Contemporary Capitalism, economic systems.
- EU and processes of Europeanization, Brexit, and contemporary EU issues including the EU and crises, energy policy.
- Polish-German relations, economic policy, social policy.
- Macroeconomy.
Media queries:
- Germany and Polish-German relations, German Governance in the EU and EMU, Ordoliberalism, German labor market and Harz IV, economy and social policy, political parties, Angela Merkel and her political strategy.
- Contemporary issues and questions including Brexit, economic and political integration, European institutions and institutional changes, European labor market, EU and crises, sustainable development, energy end environmental policy