dr hab. prof. UWr Magdalena Ratajczak
Section of International Communication
Office hours:
- Office hours in summer semester 2024/2025:
- Tuesday, 11.30-13.00
- Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, from September 2024
- Vice Dean for International Relations, Faculty of Social Sciences (from 9th of September 2020)
- Deputy director of the Institute of International Studies (2009-2020)
- Head of the Secion of International Communication at the Institute of International Studies (from 2017)
- Coordinator of Double Degree Programme with University of Padua in the Institute of International Studies
- Member of Academic Board of the Joint Ph.D Degree „Human Rights, Society and Multi-level Governance, University of Padua
- Coordinator of Lower Silesian Science Festival at the Faculty of Social Sciences (2014 March 2019)
- Member of International Editorial Board "Peace Human Rights Governance Journal"
- Chair of the Section of Intercultural and International Communication of Polish Communication Association
- Member of Research Team "Inicjatywa Helwecka"
Research Interests:
- intercultural communication,
- diaspora and ethnic media in Europe,
- diaspora diplomacy,
- refugees and human rights
- Swiss multiculturality.
Current position:
Associate Prosessor in the Institute of International Studies at the University of Wroclaw ( Section of International Communication)
Previous employment:
since 2001 University of Wrocław, 1996-1999 a journalist in a regional Polish daily paper, 1999-2002 public relations consultant in a public health system institution
Current research:
studies in cultural pluralism in European media, multicultural policy in Europe, refugees in the media.
Recent publications: author, co-author and editor of 5 books and about 60 articles and book chapters.
Scholarships and grants:
Polish Foundation for Science, Central European University, Erasmus Program, British Council and GARNET (FP 6 Network of Excellence), habilitation grant founded by the University of Wrocław.
Erasmus Mobility Grants: University of Ljubljana, University of Plymouth, University of Padua, University of Klagenfurt, University Roma Tor Vergata, University of Bochum, University of Naples Federico II.
Erasmus Mundus Visiting Scholar - Dalhousie University, Halifax (Canada)
Project „Migrant women at the margin. Adressing vulnerabilities in intersectionality: between violence and exploitation”, realized with Human Rights Center „Antonio Papisca, University of Padua, 1.01-31.12.2019
Study visits:
University of Bradford, University of Ljubljana, University of Cologne, University of Vienna.