University of Wroclaw

Institute of International and Security Studies

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You are here: Home > News > CfP: Ukraine and transformation of international security system: Ukrainian Peace Formula for the New World Order

On behalf of the International Security and Partnership Centre, we are pleased to invite you to take part in the International Scientific Conference Ukraine and Transformation of international security system: Ukrainian Peace Formula for the New World Order that will take place on May 16–17, 2024, at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.

This summit will allow us to discuss the issues of:

  • Architecture of International Security: Global and Regional Dimension;
  • Formation of Regional Security System and New World Order;
  • Strengthening the Eastern Flank of the EU and NATO: Modern Challenges and Prospects for the Implementation of Security Policy in the Context of Decolonization Processes;
  • De-occupation of ARC – Security, Social, and Economic Challenges;
  • Theoretical and Applied Aspects of the Development of Interstate Relations of Central and Eastern European Countries;
  • Russian War against Ukraine in the Context of International Security Threats;
  • Ukraine in Modern Geopolitical and Geoeconomic Challenges. Baltic Black Sea System of Cooperation;
  • Modern System of International Relations. Conflicts and Crises of the XXI Century; 
  • International Legal Aspects of Global Security; 
  • Hybrid Challenges to Modern Security Systems;
  • Russian-Ukrainian War in the System of Regional and Global Security System.

  • We welcome to participate in conference scientists, experts, students, post-graduates and representatives from research institutions, public administration practitioners and local authorities of Ukraine and other countries that are actively engaged in scientific research in politics, economy, law, sociology and history.

Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
19, Sichovyh Strilciv Str., Lviv, Ukraine,

Participation and registration:
May 16, 2024
Registration: 10.00 - 10.30
Plenary meeting: 10.30 - 13.30
Lunch: 13.30 - 14.30
Panel discussions: 14.30 - 17.30
May 6, 2022
Panel discussions: 10.00 - 14.00

Working languages: Ukrainian, English, Polish.

The conference program envisages holding round tables and discussions on topical issues of bilateral and multilateral relations between Ukraine and Central and Eastern European states in the context of transforming the security situation in the region and the world. Leading scientists and experts from Ukraine, Poland, Georgia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and other countries are invited to participate in the forum. It plans to publish the proceeding materials and the program before the beginning of the conference. Based on the results of the conference, it intends to publish a collective post-conference monograph with the materials of scientific reports and prepare practical recommendations on implementing the best practices in the system of state administration and local self-government on the issues of ensuring sustainable development.

Participation fee: the participation fee is equivalent to 50 EUR / 220 PLN (online Participation) or 100 EUR / 440 PLN (offline Participation), except for participants from Ukraine, which includes publishing proceeding materials, program, certificate, etc.

Bank details for the transfer of the participation fee:
Account Name: International Security and Partnership Centre Intermediary: KBC BANK NV, Brussels, Belgium
Beneficiary’s bank: JSC KREDOBANK
Lviv, Ukraine
Beneficiary: IBAN UA 67325365 0000026008010592026
name; International Security and Partnership Centre, Lviv, Ukraine
Details; “Conference fee first Name, last name”.
marked "Participation fee for the conference".

Note! The participants pay the costs associated with the stay at the conference (travel, accommodation, etc.) at their own expense or the expense of the sending organization. The organizing committee can assist in booking a hotel for conference participants.
The deadline for the submission of abstracts is April 20, 2024!

To apply for the conference, please:
1. Fill in the online registration form
2. Materials for publication should be sent to the organizing committee e-mail or The attached file's name should indicate the author’s name (first of the authors) and the type of publication in Latin (for example: franko_tezy.doc, franko_stattia.doc).
3. A copy of the payment receipt for fee participation in the conference and publication of materials should be sent to the e-mail of the organizing committee.
Attention! The organizing committee reserves the right to reject abstracts and articles which do not correspond to the abovementioned requirements.

Key dates:
April 20, 2024 – Fill in the online Registration Form;
April 25, 2024 – Acceptance Participation;
April 30, 2024 – Deadline for Conference Fee and Submission of Abstracts.

Contact information:
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv,
Faculty of International Relations,
Department of International Security and Strategic Studies
19, Sichovykh Striltsiv Str., Lviv, Ukraine
tel: +38 (032) 239-43-65
Website of the conference: 

Coordinators of the Conference:
Oleksandr Kuchyk: 
Larysa Leszczenko: 
Roman Vovk: