University of Wroclaw

Institute of International and Security Studies

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You are here: Home > News > Director's Award for Best English Language DIploma

On November 29th, 2022, the award ceremony for the best diploma theses of English-speaking students at ISM at the BA and MA level, under the patronage of the Director of the Institute of International Studies - Prof. Krzysztof Kociubinski (organizer of the event). In addition, the ceremony was attended by student promoters, including Prof. Magdalena Ratajczak – Vice-Dean for International Cooperation, Prof. Elżbieta Stadtmüller, prof. Renata Duda, prof. Bartosz Michalski, and the co-organizer of the initiative - Dr. Marek Musioł - Deputy Director for International Relations of the Institute of International Studies.

The Competition Jury has decided to award the following students:

Bachelor's theses:

- First Prize - Ryo Hirota for THE RISE OF CHINA AND THE EXPANSION OF THE ASIA-PACIFIC COALITION LED BY THE UNITED STATES. The thesis was written under the supervision of prof. Elizabeth Stadtmüller

- Second degree award - Suhail Dweik for the work NORMALIZING RELATIONS BETWEEN ISRAEL AND THE ARAB WORLD - THE CONSEQUENCES FOR THE PALESTINIAN ISSUE. The thesis was written under the supervision of prof. Elizabeth Stadtmüller

- Third degree award - Amira Al-Madjdoub for the work ANALYSING THE FOREIGN POLICY OF THE UNITED STATES IN YEMEN DURING THE ONGOING YEMENI CIVIL WAR (2014 TO PRESENT). The thesis was written under the supervision of prof. Elizabeth Stadtmüller

Masters theses:

- 1st degree award - Bianca Midili for the work Poland-Belarus Crisis: Human Rights Violations at the Borders of Europe. The thesis was written under the supervision of prof. Magdalena Ratajczak

- Second prize - Lucas de Niemeyer for THE INFLUENCE OF AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM ON AMERICAN FOREIGN POLICY. The thesis was written under the supervision of prof. Renata Duda

- 3rd degree award - Şengül Başardı for the work of Turkey's Strategic Trading Partner: Africa. The thesis was written under the supervision of prof. Bartosz Michalski

Based on the regulations, the Director of the ISM decided to award the following students ex aequo as part of the 4th degree Award:

Raphael Ozoude for THE IMPACT OF THE UNITED STATES FOREIGN POLICY ON CHINA UNDER TRUMP'S ADMINISTRATION. The thesis was written under the supervision of prof. Elizabeth Stadtmüller

Jose Correira Lopes for The role of the media during Covid-19 According to SIC and BBC in 2020. The work was written under the supervision of prof. Magdalena Ratajczak

Composition of the Competition Jury:

Prof. Krzysztof Kociubinski - Chairman

Prof. Adrian Szumski

Dr Katarzyna Jędrzejczyk-Kuliniak

Dr. Anna Jagiello-Szostak

Dr. Monika Paradowska

Dr. Marcin Koczan

Dr Marek Musioł - Secretary

The event was organized in a hybrid form.
