University of Wroclaw

Institute of International and Security Studies

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You are here: Home > News > EMGS Program Evaluation Report

The consortium of the EMGS Program (European Master in Global Studies) has published another evaluation report for 2020. The report compiles opinion polls among the graduates of the international program.

The program started in 2005 and is co-financed by the European Commission as a full-time European 2-year supplementary Master's degree program, implemented by the Institute of International Studies of the University of Wrocław in cooperation with Universitaet Leipzig, Universitaet Wien, London School of Economics and Political Science, Roskilde University and the University of Ghent.

In addition, the Consortium cooperates with partner universities from outside the European Union, such as Canada (Dalhousie), USA (Santa Barbara, University of California), South Africa (Stellenbosch), Australia (Macquarie, Sydney), China (Fudan Shanghai), India (Jawaharlal Nehru University , New Delhi), Ethiopia (Addis Ababa University), Cameroon (University of Yaoundé) and New Zealand (University of Otago).

It is aimed at people who are interested in learning more about the social, cultural, and historical determinants of the globalisation process. The program also serves as a forum for interdisciplinary debate on global issues from a European perspective.

The European Commission distinguished the “Global Studies - A European Perspective” program implemented by the Institute of International Studies of the University of Wrocław, recognising it as the best and a model in this area of ​​international education. The European Commission has granted the program the status of a "success story" and it will then be placed on the platform of the best international programs ERASMUS +.

The program is supervised at the Institute of International Studies by the Director of the Institute of International Studies - Prof. Krzysztof Kociubiński and coordinated by Prof. Marek Wróblewski, Prof. Jarosław Jarząbek and Dr. Marek Musioł.


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