University of Wroclaw

Institute of International and Security Studies

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Dear Students of ISM,

Thank you for your dedication up until this point in fulling out the end of semester surveys. We ask that this winter semester 2021/22 be no different. The surveys will be available on USOSweb from today (07/02) until 28/02/2022. All surveys are 100% anonymous.

All evaluations and comments are thoroughly analysed by the Evaluation Coordinator of ISM. The analysis’ are presented at the Institute Council at the end of each evaluation cycle. Managers of individual departments have access to the assessments of employees of their departments, while the Director of the Institute has access to the assessments of all employees. No evaluation (especially negative) of an Employee goes unnoticed. We especially ask for your comments on the assessments, which are a valuable supplement to the overall assessment and help in recognising the reported problems.

Thanks to your surveys, we improve the teaching process at the Institute, which is why we would like to encourage you once again to complete the questionnaires at the end of the current semester.

Evaluation Coordinator of ISM, Dr. H. Giebień