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Institute of International and Security Studies

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You are here: Home > News > International Conference 'Towards an inclusive governance of “EU fundamental values”: current pitfalls and possible solutions for a consistent multi-level protection of the rule of law democracy and human rights within and outside the EU'

The Human Rights Centre, University of Padova has launched a call for papers on international human rights research. The conference aims to both exchange perspectives and critical views on the current state of play in EU efforts to promote and protect EU values, both within the European space and in the wider international context, and to discuss a number of prospective alternative solutions, or strategies, to make current and future EU efforts more effective and sustainable in the long term. The Institute of International Studies is being represented in the scientific committee of the conference by prof. Magdalena Ratajczak and prof. Marta Ryniejska-Kiełdanowicz. 

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