University of Wroclaw

Institute of International and Security Studies

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You are here: Home > News > Meeting with representatives of McKinsey & Company

On April 16, 2019, the McKinsey & Company workshop was held at the Institute of International Studies, entitled: "Professional perspectives for students and graduates of humanities." During this meeting, students were provided with the requirements and scheme of the application process in an international corporation, practical tips on how to prepare for recruitment process, and actively participated in the analysis of case studies, which is one of the areas of McKinsey & Company Knowledge Center in Poland.

During this event, students were able to get answers to the following questions:

Over 30 Polish and foreign students of the University of Wrocław took part in this meeting. It was co-organized by the Local Office Global Studies - A European Perspective at the Institute of International Studies. The meeting was attended by graduates of the Erasmus Mundus Global Studies - A European Perspective as employees of McKinsey & Company Knowledge Center in Poland (Julian Piltawer).

