University of Wroclaw

Institute of International and Security Studies

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You are here: Home > News > New book on cultural security

The book titled "Cultural Security. Theory - Selected Aspects - Case Studies" has been recently published by Peter Lang Publishing. The co-editor of the volume is Prof. Elżbieta Szyszlak, professor at the University of Wrocław.

From the publisher's page:

Cultural security is a concept that appeared relatively recently, but the issues within its scope – protection of identity and protection of cultural heritage – have accompanied humans almost since the dawn of time. In this monograph, an attempt is made to analyse cultural security taking into account various research perspectives and showing its multifaceted nature. This volume also constitutes a collection of case studies that focuses on the analysis of the state as the basic subject of cultural security. The authors attempted to define cultural security and the approach to it from various, often very different, research perspectives.

Photo: Alina Metelytsia