University of Wroclaw

Institute of International and Security Studies

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You are here: Home > News > Reseach internship of Dr. Marek Musioł in USA

Dr. Marek Musiol, Deputy Director of the Institute of International Studies for International Cooperation, carried out a research internship and visit to the University of California Santa Barbara and the University of California Berkeley in June-July 2023. The program of the visit included:
⚆Interviews, meetings and consultations with authorities and experts from UC Santa Barbara, i.e., Prof. Jan Nederveen Pieterse, Prof. Cynthia S. Kaplan, Prof. Matto Mildenberger, Dr. Brandon Kuczenski, and from UC Berkeley, i.e., Dr. Michaela Mates and Dr. Andrew Reddie.
⚆Conducting field research, including at UC Santa Barbara and UCSB Library and UC Berkeley and Doe Library.
⚆Presentation of opportunities for collaboration, including joint projects, publications and conferences.
⚆Presentation of cooperation opportunities within the framework of THE WROCŁAW SECURITY SUMMIT 2023.
⚆⚆The following research project was discussed during the visit: The existential nature of water. More politicized or securitized? Regional water security complexes in the Anthropocene.
Efforts were also made to initiate cooperation between the Institute of International Studies and the University of California Santa Barbara and the University of California Berkeley in such areas as:
⚆ teaching workshops for English-speaking students;
⚆ development of labor and student mobility programs, including Erasmus+ KA 171.

Photo by Marek Musioł



