University of Wroclaw

Institute of International and Security Studies

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You are here: Home > News > “The Covid-19 Pandemic as a Challenge for Media and Communication Studies”

On Monday, the 31st of January 2022, Katarzyna Kopecka-Piech and Bartłomiej Łódzki published “The Covid-19 Pandemic as a Challenge for Media and Communication Studies”, under Routledge: 

The collection of 17 chapters is the result of the work of 28 researchers from 9 countries, who present the results of their research from the first two waves of the COVID-19 pandemic, whilst sharing thoughts and tips on the methodological challenges facing media and communication researchers during the pandemic.

We encourage you to read the book and to participate in a meeting with editors, authors and a debater, prof. Ilya Kiriya, HSE University.

The meeting will be held on February 17, 22 from 16.00-17.00 on the Google Meets platform:
