University of Wroclaw

Institute of International and Security Studies

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You are here: Home > News > We invite you to participate in the event

We all know that Wrocław has its own unique place among Polish cities. Still, how much do the younger generations know about its pre- and post-World War II history? Are Wrocław’s foreign inhabitants aware of its heritage?
To find out, we are organising a city game that will take the participants back to the period between 1930s and 1950s. On your way to the finish line you will visit numerous locations, both the famous and the less known ones. As you accomplish the tasks we have prepared, you will have a chance to see Wrocław through history-tinted glasses and learn some interesting details.

What do you need to participate?
Not much. First of all, some teammates. Secondly, a smartphone with Internet access (we will use a mobile app called Action Bound). Finally, approximately 3 hours of free time on Wednesday, November 20th. We will provide everything else.

The meeting place is MODE Foundation’s office at Energetyczna 14 (first floor). We shall see you there at 10 am on Wednesday! If you decide to take part, please sign up by emailing us at

Event is organized by the Fundacja MODE - Move and Develop Foundation together with Stowarzyszenie Projekt Akademia and Entrepreneurship Club, as partners.

The event was financed from the 2017-2022 multi-year perspective for the NIEPODLEGŁA programme, under the “Koalicje dla Niepodległej” funding scheme.