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Institute of International and Security Studies

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You are here: Home > News > Open Lecture given by Dr. Richard Arnold from Muskingum University USA > Mediatization Conference 4. Field-specific mediatization(s): call for papers.

Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin, Institute of International Studies - University of Wroclaw and Research section: Mediatization of the Polish Communication Association are happy to invite you to a conference that will take part on 

May 17th-18th, 2023 in Lublin (Poland) in hybrid mode (on-site and online)


Mediatization understood as a historical process of structural, media-related transformation pertaining to many cultural and societal fields, does not concern these fields to the same extent and in the same way. Instead, we can observe different dynamics of societal change related to media depending on the social domain. Moreover, various national and cultural contexts and time-space settings play an important role and influence how particular fields are mediatized (Hepp, Hjarvard & Lundby, 2010; Driessens, 2011; Molęda-Zdziech, 2013; Kaun 2013; Fast & Kaun, 2014; Lunt and Livingstone, 2016; Jansson 2018; Kopecka-Piech, 2020).

What we would like to understand in this context is what mediatization, and its sub-processes, mean and how they work in different societal and cultural fields. We are also interested in the consequences of the mediatization meta-process taking place in different domains. In particular, we suppose that there are important implications of this process for the development of human communication and media technologies, as well as for the domains where mediatization takes place (e. g. media-related transformation change health communication, public health policy, and health service market).

Following the mediatization scholars who call for comparative studies devoted to the ways mediatization works ‘across domains and over time’, we offer time and space for discussion including (but not limited to) the topics as follows:

Field-specific mediatization from a theoretical perspective;

Field-specific mediatization – an empirical approach including mediatization(s) of:

Languages of the conference: English and Polish

We allow hybrid forms of participation: oral presentations or posters, personal and online form.

Conference site: Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Lublin, ul. Głęboka 45

To submit an abstract use the form in the link:

Deadline for abstracts: 30 April 2023.

Deadline for the acceptance of abstracts: 5 May 2023

The conference fee for onsite participants is 300 PLN (250 PLN for PTKS members);

The conference fee for online participants is 100 PLN (50 PLN for PTKS members)

Conference Office: mgr Joanna Kukier; mgr Anna Jezhova; mgr Otylia Bieniek

Contact e-mail:; or