University of Wroclaw

Institute of International and Security Studies

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dr Anna Jagiełło-Szostak

Section of Eastern Studies


Phone No: 71 375 51 27

Room: 15

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Office hours:

  • office hours in summer semester 23/24:
  • Tueasday -10:30 - 11:30
  • Wednesday - MS Teams (by appointment)
  • Room 15


  • an assistant professor at the Section of Easter Studies at University of Wrocław;
  • Erasmus + incoming students coordinator (2021-
  • BA Program Coordinator International Relations - Global Studies (2016-2019)
  • Membership: Polish Association of International Studies; EISA

Research Interests:

  • Balkan Studies - history, politics, security and culture of the Balkans,
  • Foreign and Security Policy of Post-Yugoslav States,
  • Ethnic Policy of Post Yugoslav States,
  • nationalism, ethnic conflicts, memory politics
  • human security
  • cultural factors in IR and security studies


  • PhD in political science at the University of Wrocław
  • MA in International Relations and serbian and Croatian Philology at the University of Wroclaw.

Selected scholarships and research:

  • 2016 - Project: The Republic of Serbia. Aspects of Internal and External Policies (Republika Serbii.Aspekty polityki wewnętrznej i miedzynarodowej). Internal Grant of the University of Wrocław no. 0420/1778/16
  • 2015 - Research at the Faculty of Political Sciences at the University of Belgrade, Scholarship founded by the Ministry of Education of Poland
  • 2015 - Project: Aspiracje Serbii do Unii Europejskiej i ANTO -Scholarship from  the European Social Found, Operational Programe Human Capital,
  • 2014 - Project: Republika Chorwacji. POlityka wewnetrzna i miedzynarodowa - Competition of the Office of the Marshal of Lower Silesia for the Implementation of  Public tasks in the Fields of Public Education, Including Higher Education and Scientific Institutes (2014)  and Internal Grant of the university of Wroclaw no. 2477/M/ISM/14.
  • 2012 - The School of Proffessional& Extended Studies, American University (Washington),
  • 2007/2008 - Novi Sad (Serbia), Scholarship founded by Ministry of Education of Poland

Visiting lectures/seminars:

  • Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Departamento de Historia Contemporanea, Facultad Filosofia y Letras (2017),
  • UIniversity of Viena, Fakultat fur Sozialwissenschaften, institute fur politicwissenschaft (2016),
  • Metropolitan University, London, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Politics and International Relations (2015)

Selected publications:


  • Anna Jagiełło-Szostak, Idea narodu politycznego kontra etnonacjonalizmy. Od jugoslawizmu do jugonostalgii, Wrocław 2013, pp. 330,

  • A. Jagiełło-Szostak, N. Sienko, T. Szyszlak, Konflikty kulturowe a bezpieczeństwo. Mniejszości etniczne – ludy tubylcze – uchodźcy w przestrzeni postkomunistycznej, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, Acta Universitas Wratislaviensis No 3870, Wrocław 2018, ss. 148, ISBN 978-83-229-3631-3; ISSN  0239-6661

Edited Books:

  • Republika Serbii. Aspekty polityki wewnętrznej i międzynarodowej, ed. Anna Jagiełło-Szostak, Wrocław 2016, pp. 298.

  • Republika Chorwacji. POlityka wewnetrzna i miedzyanrodowa, ed. Anna Jagiełło-Szostak, Wrocław 2014, pp. 299.



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